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Parents of Somali soldiers fear sons fighting in Ethiopia

Mogadishu (AFP) | Somalia is under growing pressure to explain the fate of soldiers whose families fear they were secretly deployed from training camps in neighbouring Eritrea to fight in Ethiopia's northern Tigray region. The government has…
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Retired US Ambassadors to Ethiopia write an open letter to Prime Minister Abiy

Ethiopian Reporter | Four retired US ambassadors to Ethiopia write an open letter to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) stating their concerns about recent political developments in the country. The letter sent exclusively to The Reporter is signed…

USA ber eritreiske soldatar forlate Tigray

Den nye regjeringen i USA ber alle soldater fra Eritrea om umiddelbart å forlate den konfliktherjede Tigray-regionen i Etiopia. En talsperson for USAs utenriksdepartement viser til rapporter om plyndring, seksualisert vold, angrep i flyktningleirer…
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US says Eritrean forces should leave Tigray immediately

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — The United States says all soldiers from Eritrea should leave Ethiopia’s embattled Tigray region “immediately.” A State Department spokesperson in an email to The Associated Press late Tuesday cited “credible…
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‘Choose – I kill you or rape you’: abuse accusations surge in Ethiopia’s war

 Reuters | The young coffee seller said she was split from family and friends by an Ethiopian soldier at the Tekeze river, taken down a path, and given a harrowing choice. “He said: ‘Choose, either I kill you or rape you’,” the 25-year-old…
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UNESCO Director-General urges probe into killing of Ethiopia journalist

Jurist | UNESCO | Director-General condemns murder of journalist Dawit Kebede in Ethiopia.  The Director-General of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) , Audrey Azoulay, has called for an inquiry into…
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Situation Report EEPA HORN No. 68 – 27 January 2021

Europe External Programme with Africa is a Belgium-based Centre of Expertise with in-depth knowledge, publications, and networks, specialised in issues of peace building, refugee protection and resilience in the Horn of Africa. EEPA has published…

Satt fast i krigens Tigray – glad for hjelp fra Norges ambassade

Bistandsaktuelt | Etiopia-besøket til Girmay Berhe Assemahegn ble ikke som forventet. Norsk-etiopieren trodde at han bare skulle i morens begravelse. I stedet havnet han midt i krigen - med bombenedslag i nærheten av der han bodde. Girmay…

UD: Bekymring over sex-overgrep i Tigray, endringer i bistand kan komme

Bistandsaktuelt | Norge uttrykker bekymring for sivilbefolkningen i den krigsrammede Tigray-regionen i Etiopia, der internasjonale aktører lenge er blitt nektet adgang. - Vi oppfordrer innstendig alle parter om å respektere internasjonal humanitærrett…
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Sudanese patrol shelled by Ethiopian forces. Ethiopia asks Sudan to pull troops out for border talks

Sudanese patrol shelled by Ethiopian forces. Tension has escalated between Sudan, Ethiopia along their borderline. A Sudanese patrol came under shelling from Ethiopian forces on Sunday near the border with Ethiopia, according to local media. Sudan…