Chapter 22 - Duration Analysis


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 opened on:  13 May 2020, 17:41:13

.  **********************************************
.  * Solomon Negash - Examples
.  * Wooldridge (2010). Economic Analysis of Cross-Section and Panel Data. 2nd ed.  
.  * STATA Program, version 16.1. 

.  * Chapter 22 - Duration Analysis
.  ***********************************************

. // Example 22.5 (Weibull Model for Recidivism Duration)

.  bcuse recid, clear nodesc

.  stset durat, failure(cens=0)

     failure event:  cens == 0
obs. time interval:  (0, durat]
 exit on or before:  failure

      1,445  total observations
          0  exclusions
      1,445  observations remaining, representing
        552  failures in single-record/single-failure data
     80,013  total analysis time at risk and under observation
                                                at risk from t =         0
                                     earliest observed entry t =         0
                                          last observed exit t =        81

.  streg workprg priors tserved felon alcohol drugs black married educ age, dist(weibull) nohr

         failure _d:  cens == 0
   analysis time _t:  durat

Weibull PH regression

No. of subjects =        1,445                  Number of obs    =       1,445
No. of failures =          552
Time at risk    =        80013
                                                LR chi2(10)      =      165.48
Log likelihood  =   -1633.0325                  Prob > chi2      =      0.0000

          _t |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
     workprg |   .0908893   .0906478     1.00   0.316    -.0867772    .2685558
      priors |   .0887867   .0134355     6.61   0.000     .0624535    .1151198
     tserved |   .0135625   .0016808     8.07   0.000     .0102682    .0168567
       felon |  -.2994775    .105974    -2.83   0.005    -.5071826   -.0917723
     alcohol |   .4473611   .1057353     4.23   0.000     .2401236    .6545985
       drugs |   .2814605   .0978644     2.88   0.004     .0896499    .4732711
       black |   .4537147   .0883037     5.14   0.000     .2806426    .6267867
     married |  -.1515864   .1092454    -1.39   0.165    -.3657035    .0625307
        educ |  -.0232984   .0194196    -1.20   0.230    -.0613601    .0147633
         age |  -.0037246    .000525    -7.09   0.000    -.0047536   -.0026956
       _cons |  -3.402094   .3010177   -11.30   0.000    -3.992077    -2.81211
       /ln_p |  -.2158398   .0389149    -5.55   0.000    -.2921115   -.1395681
           p |   .8058644   .0313601                      .7466852    .8697338
         1/p |   1.240904   .0482896                      1.149777    1.339252

.  streg , dist(weibull) nohr

         failure _d:  cens == 0
   analysis time _t:  durat

Weibull PH regression

No. of subjects =        1,445                  Number of obs    =       1,445
No. of failures =          552
Time at risk    =        80013
                                                LR chi2(0)       =       -0.00
Log likelihood  =   -1715.7711                  Prob > chi2      =           .

          _t |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
       _cons |  -4.017511   .1329745   -30.21   0.000    -4.278136   -3.756886
       /ln_p |  -.2626894   .0397168    -6.61   0.000    -.3405329   -.1848458
           p |   .7689807   .0305415                      .7113911    .8312325
         1/p |   1.300423   .0516487                      1.203033    1.405697


.  set scheme s2mono 

. stcurve, hazard caption("{bf: Figure 22.1} " "{stSerif: Weibull hazard of recidivism}", ///
 position(7)   size(*.8)) ytitle(Hazard) xtitle("Months until arrest") title("")

. sts graph, hazard caption("{bf: Figure 22.2} " "{stSerif: Lognormal hazard of recidivism}", ///
 position(7)   size(*.8)) ytitle(Hazard) xtitle("Months until arrest") title("")

.  log close 

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 closed on:  13 May 2020, 17:41:16